Automotive Engineer

Automotive Engineer

The automotive engineer has the skills to work in the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and disposal of automotive systems, such as cars, trucks, buses, and other self-propelled vehicles, both conventional and specialized. They can also work in interdisciplinary areas of engineering, including mechanical, electrical, production, mechatronics, metallurgical, materials, transportation, logistics, and infrastructure, all associated with automotive engineering.

Job Market

The job market for automotive engineers encompasses not only automakers but also various areas within the automotive industry, including R&D, Aftermarket, Application Engineering, Experimental, Product, Quality, Sales, and more. Automotive engineers can also work throughout the supply chain of automotive components and related areas. Considering that terrestrial transportation of people and goods has a significant impact on people’s daily lives, vehicles play a crucial role in meeting human needs for accessibility, transportation, convenience, and freedom in terms of time and route. In fact, there is approximately one car on the road for every four inhabitants in Brazil.

Source: Ministry of Cities, National Department of Traffic – 2022

Thus, the automotive industry and its production chain are the sector that generates the most jobs and produces the largest volume of products among all mechanical industries. There is no alternative system available or developed that surpasses it in improving people’s quality of life. The factories of the largest automakers in Brazil are distributed throughout the country, as shown in the list of automakers ANFAVEA Yearbook.